A blog describe the Filipina Domestic Helper lifestyle abroad

Show sacrifices with their families. They are called modern day heroes. But some of them give shame to their family and country. The purpose of this blog is to strengthen the family ties. Detailed family laws to learn basic obligation of couples as guide for better relationship of marriage. Which is a special contract, permanent union, enter into in accordance with law

Prob.12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Public Solemnization Is Required

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The provision of the code under Art. 8. The marriage shall be solemnized publicly in the chambers of the judge or in open court, in the church, chapel or temple or in the office of consul-general, consul or vice consul as the case maybe, and not elsewhere, except in the marriage contracted at the point of death or in remote places in accordance with article 29 of the code or in where both of the parties request the solemnizing officer in writing in which case the marriage maybe solemnized at a house or place designated by them in a sworn statement to that effect

By bong with 1 comment


(thinking aloud... not elsewhere, but can be requested at a place designated by them? what is in article 29..? I suppose the couple with the solemnizing officer plus two witnesses is public enough..)

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