A blog describe the Filipina Domestic Helper lifestyle abroad

Show sacrifices with their families. They are called modern day heroes. But some of them give shame to their family and country. The purpose of this blog is to strengthen the family ties. Detailed family laws to learn basic obligation of couples as guide for better relationship of marriage. Which is a special contract, permanent union, enter into in accordance with law

Prob.12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Domestic Helper Problem Abroad

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There are many problems of Filipina Domestic Helper Abroad, that never noted by the Philippine government.

There are many complains in different consular office all over the world. But much of the embassy officials seems to in favor with those employer that abused them.

Embassy officials really useless in handling many cases of Filipino Domestic Helpers. Why Are they employed in that position if they cannot help? What is the used of the consular office in different part of the world, if those government officials did not perform their duties and responsibilities?

By bong with 3 comments


Do you have an example of a complaint which was put forth but not noted by the government? And in which an abusive employer was sided by the government? It is a sad thing if this is really the case... Can you give us an example? Thanks.

Well, I haven't post any complaint because this is according to my reliable source that our fellow abroad did not get any government help as they complaint of.
As we see on news. Many of them are crying due to that case...

Which case is this? Are you referring to a particular case? I might have missed it in the news...

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